Samsung Galaxy 3D ra mắt trong quý IV

Theo tin tức từ trang web ETNews của Hàn Quốc cho biết, Samsung đang có kế hoạch ra mắt mẫu smartphone 3D nhưng không giống với những gì từng xuất hiện trên chiếc LG Optimus 3D và HTC EVO 3D. Nó có tên gọi Galaxy 3D.

Chiếc điện thoại thông minh Samsung Galaxy 3D sẽ chạy hệ điều hành Android 2.3 Gingerbread, đây là phiên bản tiên tiến nhất của một thiết bị chạy Android, và có khả năng hiện thị hình ảnh 3 chiều mà không cần kính 3D.
Samsung Galaxy 3D ra mắt trong quý IV, Dế sắp ra lò, Điện thoại, Samsung Galaxy 3D, Samsung, Galaxy 3D, lo Samsung Galaxy 3D, ra mat Samsung Galaxy 3D, dien thoai Samsung Galaxy 3D, dien thoai, Galaxy 3D ra mat trong quy IV,
Hình ảnh rò rỉ của Samsung Galaxy 3D
Dự kiến, smartphone Samsung Galaxy 3D sẽ được trang bị một màn hình cảm ứng LCD kích thước 4,3 inch với kính 3D. Mặc dù chưa có thông tin chính thức về công nghệ sẽ sử dụng trên màn hình, nhưng nhiều người cho rằng nó sẽ được nâng cấp lên Android 4,0 Ice Cream Sandwich trước khi phát hành. Công nghệ này cho phép trình chiếu nội dung 3D lên Tivi thông qua cổng kết nối HDMI.
Máy sẽ sử dụng bộ vi xử lý lõi kép Exynos tốc độ 1,2GHz, camera kép 8 megapixel mặt sau cho phép chụp ảnh và quay video chuẩn 3D.
Đây sẽ là bước đột phát lớn nếu điều này trở thành hiện thực. Tính đến thời điểm hiện tại thì khả năng chia sẻ 3D qua phương tiện truyền thông vẫn còn giới hạn trong các thiết bị đã đề cập trước đó.
Được biết, chiếc smartphone Samsung Galaxy 3D sẽ chính thức ra mắt trong quý IV năm này.
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Next iPhone Launching September 5 in US, October 5 Globally?

Do you like your iPhone rumors with a little bit of an international twist? The latest one we've heard about the upcoming launch of Apple's next-geniPhone hardware may be coming through a little bit mangled thanks to Google Translate, but the gist is clear: it claims the US will be getting the nextiPhone on September 5, with its international release a month later on October 5. 

The rumor comes out of Italy, where supposedly an anonymous executive at mobile carrier Swisscom leaked the info to iPhoneItalia. The site seems very confident in the source's reliability, and if he is who they say he is, it does stand to reason that he might be aware of launch plans two months in advance of when his company would get its hands on the phone. 

Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to offer any new information in the iPhone 4S/5 controversy, just that whatever Apple's next iPhone is, it would hit the US on September 5 and Europe on October 5. 
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20th Century Fox Bringing Movie Downloads to Android

If Google's movie rental offering, Netflix and Hulu are not enough for your video needs on your Android phone you'll be happy to find out thatTwentieth Century Fox will be bringing movie downloads to Google-powered devices. 

Starting October, buying a high-definition 20thCentury Fox movie on a Blu-ray disc will allow you to download a digital copy of the film which you can then load to your Android device. First title to support this will be X-Men: First Class and the offering will be available in available in the US, UK, France and Germany. 

Vincent Marcais, senior vice-president for marketing at Twentieth Century Fox InternationalHome Entertainment, said that "given its strong growth as a mobile operating system, the support for Android is an important move for us because it further enhances Blu-ray discs as the best way to get your movies to all your screens". 
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Droid Bionic Accessories Up Early, Dock Shows Off Phone's Back

The latest rumors talk about a possible August 4launch date for the Motorola Droid Bionic as thefirst ad featuring the phone has recently surfaced. There's even a dedicated page up at Verizon but no details are made public, while Amazon already outs accessories for the upcoming phone. 

If that August 4 date is anything close to reality it's just normal for retailers to prepare accessories. If you take a look at Amazon's listing you'll see a car dock and a desktop dock that will gladly hold your phone. While the car dock is nothing out of the ordinary, the desktop dock pictured above allegedly shows off the phone's back. There's the hump similar to what we've seen on the Targa and the camera which captures images with eight-megapixel resolution. 


If that's not enough, take a look at the last picture down below! It appears to be a Verizon Droid display sporting the Droid 3 and the Droid X2 on the sides with a nice placeholder saying "coming soon" at the middle. While it could be anything or nothing, we'd like to believe that it's the place where the Droid Bionicwill rest once it will be launched. 
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HTC ChaCha Closely Resembles Original Android Prototype

The HTC ChaCha, now on AT&T as the HTC Status, bears a striking resembles to a device that we first saw back in 2007 when Google announcedthe Android operating system. Android was first shown off as two prototypes: a candybar-style device with a touchscreen, and a front-facing QWERTY form factor with no touchscreen. While the ChaCha certainly has touchscreen, the overall design of it reminds us of that early Androidprototype, which can also be seen in the below video from the Android YouTube channel. 
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