LG has added two new stars to its constellation of Aurora laptops, with the LG S430 and LG S530. Both models are powered by an Intel Core i5 processor, with the S430 boasting a 14-inch, 1366 x 768 HD LCD and the S530 rocking a slightly larger, 15.6-inch display, available in either HD or HD+ (1600 x 900) resolution. Both also feature 8GB of DDR3 memory and up to 750GB of HDD space (5400 RPM), along with your standard WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0 and USB 2.0 connectivity. Perhaps most notable, however, is their sleek, metallic veneer and crystalline, scratch-free finish, available in both purple and blue. Pricing remains a mystery, but the pair should be available in Africa, Asia and the Middle East by early next month, before making their way to Europe and the US shortly thereafter. Details galore await you after the break, in the full PR.
With Powerful Features and Eye-Catching Designs, LG S430 and LG S530 Offer an Enticing Package
SEOUL, Aug. 26, 2011 – LG Electronics (LG) today announced two new notebooks in their Aurora series -- the LG S430 and LG S530. With attractive, brightly colored exteriors and boasting 14-inch and 15.6-inch HD LED LCD screens, the LG S430 and LG S530 offer an alluring design with a sleek, Crystalline Finish, while also delivering outstanding computing power.
The LG 430 and the LG S530 provide an outstanding value package through their ingenious Crystalline Finish lids. Using NCVM (Non-Conductive Vapor Metallization) technology, an innovative coating process that produces a colorful metallic veneer, LG Aurora notebooks have a pellucid, glossy exterior that provides genuine value to customers through improved scratch resistance and a strengthened cover. Bold chamfer cutting around the chassis enhances the slim, sharp feel of the Aurora notebooks, while bold coloring – in Aurora Purple or Aurora Blue – delivers the perfect highlight.
"We've designed our notebooks to offer a computing experience that is as stylish as it is powerful," said J.J. Lee, Executive Vice President and Head of LG Electronics PC Business Unit. "With its unique Crystalline Finish, the LG S430 and LG S530 set new standards in design while offering features and functions that can compete with any notebooks in their class."
The LG S430 and LG S530 include optimized features that let users carry out everyday tasks or enjoy multimedia content with absolutely no frustration. With a second generation Intel? Core™ i5 processor – which is 20 percent faster than the previous generation of Intel processors – and an external graphics card, the Aurora notebooks deliver faster, smarter performance. In addition, content-sharing software lets users wirelessly share videos, photos, and music from other DLNA-enabled devices to then enjoy on the notebook.
Supported by the "Crystalline by Aurora" campaign, the LG S430 and the LG S530 will be available in the Middle East, Africa and Asia early September followed by Europe, the Americas and CIS soon after.