Three weeks ago, Microsoft introduced its latest update to Windows Phone, codenamed Mango, bumping the version number to 7.5 while bringing more than 500 features to the table. Now Redmond is flipping the switch on the updates as it starts delivering on the wide range.
Eric Hautala notes on the Windows Phone Blog that they're "fully opening the spigot — slightly ahead of schedule — and making Mango available to nearly everyone in the current delivery pool". While this is great news, it doesn't mean that there aren't isolated issues like for instance in France, where Orange and Microsoft work in order to fix problems preventing "full throttle" roll-out.
Passing the ball back to the carriers, Microsoft notes that the update for a couple of devices is "still undergoing carrier tests" but Redmond is "prepared to expedite delivery of Windows Phone 7.5 to you once carrier testing is finished".
Eric Hautala notes on the Windows Phone Blog that they're "fully opening the spigot — slightly ahead of schedule — and making Mango available to nearly everyone in the current delivery pool". While this is great news, it doesn't mean that there aren't isolated issues like for instance in France, where Orange and Microsoft work in order to fix problems preventing "full throttle" roll-out.
Passing the ball back to the carriers, Microsoft notes that the update for a couple of devices is "still undergoing carrier tests" but Redmond is "prepared to expedite delivery of Windows Phone 7.5 to you once carrier testing is finished".