Google Hypes Google Wallet With Some Help From Seinfeld

As Google gets its ducks in a row for the national launch of Google Wallet, the company is trying to spread the word of just what its NFC-using system will be capable of, putting together a teaser video and assembling a site with some early info on the system.

Google revisits a classic episode of Seinfeld, injecting itself into George Costanza's struggles with his overloaded wallet. With records of all his transactions stored on a smartphone, the reasoning goes, hapless George could have avoided this mess.

The Google Wallet site gives visitors a once-over of the system's features and abilities, explaining what hardware you'll need to take advantage of it, addressing security concerns, and discussing where you'll be able to use Wallet. Entering your ZIP code in Google's form will bring up a map showing the location of nearby retailers that are already set up with the needed hardware to process Wallet transactions.

If you're really digging the vision of Wallet that Google paints for you, interested parties can sign up to receive email notifications when the service is ready to launch. At first, Google says Wallet will just support Sprint's Nexus S 4G; hopefully we'll see that spread to the original Nexus S and other NFC-capable Androids in short order.

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