iPhone 5 Getting LTE? iOS 5 Beta 6 Released And More - iReview

Watch this week's iReview as we go through all things cool and the not so cool inside the world of Apple's iOS devices. We go through the release of iOS 5 beta 6 and all the things that have been improved. We also breeze through the rumors of LTE equipment being tested in Apple stores and how Apple could pull this testing off with current iPhone 4 housings. We also compile all the recentiPhone 5 rumors and tell you which hold water. We also end our Cool section with some hot deals for the week.

In the not so cool section we go through two different segments of lawsuits. Apple vs. Samsung and how unethical things have gotten, and also HTC vs. Apple and how they're setting themselves out to beat Apple on this one.

All this and more after the break. 

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