Samsung Galaxy 3D ra mắt trong quý IV

Theo tin tức từ trang web ETNews của Hàn Quốc cho biết, Samsung đang có kế hoạch ra mắt mẫu smartphone 3D nhưng không giống với những gì từng xuất hiện trên chiếc LG Optimus 3D và HTC EVO 3D. Nó có tên gọi Galaxy 3D. Chiếc điện thoại thông minh Samsung Galaxy 3D sẽ chạy hệ điều hành Android...
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Next iPhone Launching September 5 in US, October 5 Globally?

Do you like your iPhone rumors with a little bit of an international twist? The latest one we've heard about the upcoming launch of Apple's next-geniPhone hardware may be coming through a little bit mangled thanks to Google Translate, but the gist is clear: it claims the US...
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20th Century Fox Bringing Movie Downloads to Android

If Google's movie rental offering, Netflix and Hulu are not enough for your video needs on your Android phone you'll be happy to find out thatTwentieth Century Fox will be bringing movie downloads to Google-powered devices.  Starting October, buying a high-definition 20thCentury Fox movie...
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Droid Bionic Accessories Up Early, Dock Shows Off Phone's Back

The latest rumors talk about a possible August 4launch date for the Motorola Droid Bionic as thefirst ad featuring the phone has recently surfaced. There's even a dedicated page up at Verizon but no details are made public, while Amazon already outs accessories...
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HTC ChaCha Closely Resembles Original Android Prototype

The HTC ChaCha, now on AT&T as the HTC Status, bears a striking resembles to a device that we first saw back in 2007 when Google announcedthe Android operating system. Android was first shown off as two prototypes: a candybar-style device with a touchscreen, and a front-facing QWERTY...
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