Nokia Spells It Out: No N9 Plans For US Nor UK

We've been wondering what Nokia's plans for the MeeGo-powered N9's release would be since seeing in late June a webpage the company had put up for users to request information on the N9's release in their countries. While a couple dozen made the cut, some very notable exceptions had us wondering if Nokia was planning a limited release of the N9, so as not to compete with its own plans for Windows Phone 7 hardware in those absent countries. Now the company has confirmed its intentions, stating unequivocally that it has no plans for a US nor UK release.

Responding to inquiries about plans for bringing the N9 to the US, the company explained, "Nokiatakes a market by market approach to product rollout, and each country makes its own decisions about which products to introduce from those available. Decisions are based on an assessment of existing and upcoming products that make up Nokia's extensive product portfolio and the best way in which to address local market opportunities." 
That sounds an awful lot to us like what we were thinking about the N9 staying off Nokia's WP7 turf. The good news is that the pentaband UMTS radio means that it will be capable of operation on many GSM carriers (why can't ALL smartphones have such equipment?), including both AT&T and T-Mobile in the States, should you choose to import the N9. 

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