Motorola Recruiting Users for Droid X Project; Is It Gingerbread?

Motorola is at it again, recruiting volunteers from among its Android users to help it test something out. We've seen it before with the Froyo update for the Bravo, and then just last week for an update the company is preparing for the Cliq 2. While it's stopped short of saying that there's a software update in the works, Motorola is covertly seeking Droid X owners to assist with a secretive project. 

Unlike the Cliq 2 and Bravo tests, where volunteers were solicited in public via forum posts, individual DroidX users from the Motorola Owners' Forums are apparently being contacted via email to invite them to participate in this upcoming project. While the obvious goal would be to test a Gingerbread release, Motorola just hasn't revealed enough about this program yet for us to say for sure. 

Perhaps sue to the Droid X being a much higher-profile Android than the Cliq 2 or Bravo, Motorola is taking things very seriously this time around. The email warns recipients to "not post any details or information about this project on any public sites" and that "this is a confidential project under the terms of the Motorola Feedback Network". That legalese may convince some users to play nice and keep quiet, though we can't help but think that as soon as this project starts, someone's going to leak the details; information wants to be free. 

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